Installing Mac OS fonts

If an 'Installer' program has been downloaded/delivered, double-click the 'Installer' or 'Setup' file which will install all files, including fonts in their correct places.

If '.sit' or '.sit.hqx' file has been downloaded/delivered and you need advice on installing fonts manually into your Operating System, please follow the notes below...

Some products are deilvered with fonts in two formats (PostScript and TrueType).
Install ONLY ONE font format such as PostScript, TrueType, OpenType into your System! It is advisable to make a duplicate copy of the folder containing the original fonts so that fonts can be freshly installed in case of System corruption.

PostScript Type 1 fonts perform best when either of these is used to print them: A PostScript printer Adobe Type Manager (ATM) or similar rendering engine
TrueType fonts do not require any additional software or PostScript interpreter to produce optimum results. Install these if you do not have a PostScript printer ATMĒ Control Panel or other similar PostScript rendering engine. If TrueType fonts are used with a PostScript printer, the outlines will be automatically converted to PostScript on-the-fly when printing.

Mac OS 8.1 - 9.2.2
1. Inside your System Folder on your Hard Disk, locate the System Folder's 'Fonts' Folder so that it is visible but not open. Shrink this window and keep it visible.

2. Open any surrounding folders that contain the fonts to be installed. Shrink this window and keep it visible as well as the previous window. Drag the TrueType fonts to the 'Fonts' folder of your System Folder. Make sure the Fonts Folder in your System is closed when dropping the font(s) onto it. This prevents the dagged items disappearing inside other Folders. Close all open windows. Your fonts are now ready for use in applications.

Mac OS 10.x
Fonts CAN exist in four different Folders in OS X at the same time.
Where, will depend who has access to that area of the Hard Disk.

Mac Hard Disk/Library/Fonts (This is Public. Available to anyone)
Mac Hard Disk/System/Library/Fonts (System only fonts)
Mac Hard Disk/Users/~/Library/Fonts (~ denotes personal area like 'myhome')
Mac Hard Disk/Network/Library/Fonts (Share fonts with others with access)
Mac Hard Disk/System Folder/Fonts (OS 9 Classic)

OS X loads fonts from all these locations to make them available to applications. OS X fonts take precedence over Classic fonts with the same name. Therefore, the 'Helvetica' used in Classic may not be the same Helvetica in OS X.

1. In this example, fonts are stored in the Users personal Library: Open the icon for your Mac Hard Disk, locate the following folders Mac Hard Disk/Users/~/Library/Fonts (~ is the name for your personal home folder)

Keep the Fonts window visible, do not open it.

2. Locate and open folder that contains the fonts to be installed. Shrink this window and keep it visible as well as the previous window. When both the target fonts and the Fonts folder are visible on the Desktop, select and drag the required fonts into the Users/~/Library/Fonts folder. Close both windows. The fonts are now installed ready for use.

To make a font inactive, simply remove it from the surrounding Folder. Alternatively, font management utilities may be used to activate or deactivate fonts without the need to remove them manually. Instructions for this may be different from the above.
Keep the files safe in case these fonts need to be re-installed due to a System corruption or System upgrade.