Enter text in a box to try a 'Sassoon Infant' font Stylistic Set
Sassoon fonts have these Stylistic Sets built-in to every font.
The 'Infant' family shown below has 16 sets. From an OpenType compatible application such as Microsoft Word, you may choose a set that fits your school's teaching principle.

Sassoon Infant Regular
Default: I J & b f k q r t ß 1 4 7 9
If the application supports OpenType fonts, the default letters can be changed by selecting a Stylistic Set of alternatives. If not, only default letters will be available.

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 1: I J b f k q r t ß 1 4 7 9

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 2: f k

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 3: I J 1 4 9

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 4: I J

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 5: f

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 6: k

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 7: q

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 8: f k 9

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 9: f k 1 4

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 10: I J f k

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 11: I J f k 1 4

Sassoon Infant Regular
Stylistic Set 12: I J f k 1

Sassoon Infant Medium
Stylistic Set 13: f k 1 4

Sassoon Infant Medium
Stylistic Set 14: f k q 1 4

Sassoon Infant Bold
Stylistic Set 15: k 1 4

Sassoon Infant Bold
Stylistic Set 16: f k 9