THE ISSUE Sassoon Infant fonts purchased between February 2010 - June 2016, in the OpenType font format (either OTF or TTF). When Sassoon Infant Regular is selected from the Font menu, it defaults to Sassoon Infant Tracker B. The 'Regular' weight cannot be selected. Sassoon Infant Line does not appear in the Font menu.
Over the years Sassoon Infant fonts have been rebuilt a few times to accommodate the highly problematic handling of fonts by versions of the Microsoft Word application. Since Word 2010 (Windows) and Word 2011 (Mac OS), these issues have persisted.
THE ISSUE AFFECTS It affects Users of Microsoft Word for Mac OS 2016 version and because Word documents are commonly passed between mixed Operating Sytems, it affects Windows Users too if documents are to be passed and viewed consistently.
WHY HAS THIS HAPPENED Ideally, professional font Users want all the fonts that belong to one family to be displayed under one label in an application font menu. For many years we strived to make this happen and were successful, grouping the family under one name in Mac OS applications. Microsoft Word has always bucked the trend, not following accepted practices when handling fonts and work-arounds (hacks) have become increasingly unreliable. Unfortunately, with the release of Word for Mac OS 2016, more inconsistencies have appeared, rendering our fonts jumbled or missing in Microsoft Word menus. Renaming, rebuilding, redistributing fonts only to accommodate Microsoft's errant font handling is not sustainable, nor a sensible position.
Instead, in a solution to suit all our Customers, with this latest build, font names have changed such that the Font Families are consistent across platforms and across applications. The result is not as elegant. Instead of one Family name in the Font menu, 7 font names appear - but it works for everyone.
The new 2016 family structure is:
Family Name (Menu Name)
Sassoon Infant Rg
Sassoon Infant Regular, Sassoon Infant Bold
Sassoon Infant Md
Sassoon Infant Medium
Sassoon Infant Dt
Sassoon Infant Dotted
Sassoon Infant Dt B
Sassoon Infant Dotted B
Sassoon Infant Tk
Sassoon Infant Tracker
Sassoon Infant Tk B
Sassoon Infant Tracker B
Sassoon Infant Line
Sassoon Infant Line
Note the only subfamily member is 'Bold' weight. This is due to the Microsoft restriction of only 4 styles in a family which must be either Regular, Italic, Bold or Bold Italic. As the other fonts have no Italic or Bold styles, they are listed each as their own base family name.
THE FIX Put simply, uninstall the older fonts and install new fonts by using the latest Installer, which is provided free to existing licence holders, sent directly in an email. It is advisable to use the download link within the limited active period. The downloaded Installer application can then be used anytime later.
Maintenance Update June 2016.1